Kittens at Lanoy

Tis the middle of October already.  10 months at Lanoy House and so much achieved.  But still quite a lot to do.  Its getting colder and the nights are drawing in, so we are very pleased that the central heating is fully working.  What with the log burners lit too, its actually quite cosy here. Mum even said she was too hot last week. 

We had a week off from work, and got around to finally unpacking some of the large boxes that were being stored under the stairs.  It was amazing what I found in those boxes.  Things I had fogotten we ownerd.  a new wardrobe of clothes, and another 3 boxes of kitchen ware.  Now I have managed for 10 months with 4 plates, some odd bowls,  a cupboard full of basic items and 3 saucepans all year... so what the heck do I need 3 large packing cases full of kitchen ware for????

My beautiful bathroom is now fully fitted and we can have glorious hot long showers in the morning, although I have to say I haven't yet used the bath.  I have just not had the time for a long luxurious soak since it was fitted.    The 2nd bathroom has now been gutted, and all we have left is 4 walls.  the plaster behind the tiling fell off when we removed the wall tiles that were around the bath, so we now have exposed stone walls showing.  It was very old lime plaster and cement render which had got very damp and it was only the grouting that was holding everything together.  I suspect the roof had been leaking for some considerable time , making the internal wall damp and retaining  moisture behind the tiles.  as we prised off the wall tiles the plaster and render just fell away.  we knew it was pretty old stuff as the render had bits of straw in it.  That's how they made it in the 1800s. So, it looks like were going to have to get the internal walls re rendered and then plastered before we can fit the new bathroom.  This is going to be a luxury shower room for mum to use.  Were going to have the panelled walls, and a Victorian style basin and loo and a walk in shower with frame less glass screens.

We have got around to hanging some curtains at last.  Not that we need them, as I have said before in order to spy through my windows you would need to be in the field across the valley with a pair of binoculars!!  but the curtains 'dress' the large windows.  It looks a bit bare without them.  not that they will  be often closed, but they look good for effect. and it looks a bit more like a  house than an unfinished project...

What has taken our time up the past week has been the arrival of Thomas and Leo, our two new Cornish kittens.  Tango our old ginger tom is just like a grumpy old man when the kittens are around.  I can imagine him hissing 'bugger off you orrible kids' when ever they get too close.  I tried doping him with a brand new cat nip sack. to 'chill' his 'cattitude'..but it didn't work. Now normally with a cat nip sack, he will roll around on the floor holding it in his front paws and chewing and licking until he has had his fix, then sleep for several hours under the influence.  Not this time..oh no!  He sat on the dresser, with his front paws folded underneath him, just like irate housewife with her arms crossed across her ample bosom, scowling and grumbling at the naughty kids.  Leo the little black and very inquisitive kitten edge himself forward very pleased to see old Mr Tango, and then stopped dead in his tracks when Mr T hissed rather nastily at him.  He literally froze to the spot, front paw in mid air, and then edged backwards.. and people say cats cant walk backwards...well this one did!  Thomas, on the other hand merely sat on the table watching the shenanigans.  He must have thought to himself. well I aint going to say hello to that miserable old duffer...


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