monkeys up the scaffolding

I now know why Leos tail is quite the length that it is. 

Try googling 'Black Spider Monkeys' ...  They do look somewhat similar to our black kitten Leo.  I swear his tail is longer than his body is , and its thick all the way to the tip. Unlike Thomas's tail which is completely different in shape to Leos . His is shorter and peeters out to a point. Leos is the same thickness from his furry bottom to the tip of his tail.    I have to talk about tails tonight , because I'm sure the length of the tail determines the agility of the cat.  Particularly when said small cat is at roof height tippy toeing along the  wet scaffold tubes.  With his face in line with the upstairs bathroom window, he had his paws on the window sill trying to work out how to get onto the roof of the house.  I just know, one day I am going to see a black dot sitting on the chimney pot as i drive along the lane back to home....  His nibs was on the phone earlier , when i suddenly said 'GottaGo!'  hung up the phone , dashed upstairs and hauled the cat through the top vent window in the end bathroom.  I really do live in a mad house !  still pondering about tails, If I had a tail it would be a big whooshy one like a red setter.

The council are digging up roads all over the place here.  I spent 20 minutes lost in very narrow winding lanes this morning trying to get to work.  The village main road is closed for pot hole filling  in one direction.  The 'back lane' to Launceston is closed as the little hump back stone bridge is being repaired, and last week there was a mains water pipe burst in the village.  So they dug a great big big hole to repair it, coned off a 20ft section of road, and then put up diversion signs that took you on a 4 mile detour to the back of beyond !!....

I found several lost motorists  lurking down narrow lanes last Thursday,  with their  panic stricken faces peering over the tops of their steering wheels.  Semi parked in field gateways wondering if they would ever see civilisation again.  My car is permanently two tone, mud to half way up the door and metallic paint above.  I think 'cow shite brown' should be a optional colour choice when purchasing a new vehicle.

We had Andrew the electrician  here at the weekend.  Marking up where the new mains wall sockets and switches should go.  I now have pencil marks on every wall marking out where 'double gang' switches will be installed.   Any way.... apparently the final  phase of the mammoth re wire will commence next week. Shouldn't take too long i am hoping as there are only 5 rooms left to do.

I have ordered carpets to be fitted mid April.   So that is the new  deadline we are now working to.  All trades men to be out of the building in the next 8 weeks...gulp...   I am not having dusty work men's footprints traipsing over my new carpets. so all indoor work needs to be finished.. then they can go and work outdoors all summer building the front terraces and patio areas.    I have ordered Wilton carpets, in soft golds, and mossy greens with lovely thick underlay to make the cold hard concrete floor in the drawing room warm and luxurious.  Pale gold tweed carpets in the bedrooms... but  i am not quite decided on the staircase yet.   I fancy a bold statement carpet, completed with brass stair rods on each tread.

Ohhh.. finally....i must mention my absolute bargain i picked up at the auction  last week.  A gorgoeus red velvet vintage 3 seater sofa. with  feather filled cushions , mahogany feet and brass castors.  It will go in my office eventually.  I just had to have it ...and the best bit ? ... It cost me less than a chinese takeaway  !!


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