Getting on with it

Summer's here at long last, long lazy days with warm blissful nights.....aah The English Summer, it really is the best in the world, never too hot and never too cold.

Now back to the reality, Mondays have begun with 2:45am starts and getting home at 8pm on a I'm missing most of the week at Chez Lanoy!

That little 2 hour segment you can get at the end of each working day is enough to paint a ceiling or the walls of a room. in one week i can paint an entire room including all woodwork, walls and ceiling ready for moving into.

But this takes me 2 or 3 weekends now, that's if I don't lose a week-end because its sunny...oh wait you weren't expecting me to say that were you? but its true I lose working time inside the house if it is sunny....its because I want to be outside, last Saturday was gorgeous mid 70's...bliss and I worked in the garden for 10 hours it was great, but that also meant ceilings and walls that have been freshly plastered didn't get done.

oh-hum the price we pay I suppose.

Anyway the refurbishment programme has really come on in leaps and bounds, I'm buying boys toys from deWalt like they are going out of fashion coupled with the most expensive tins of paint...eggshell, lovely stuff!

I am desperate to get a really good finish on the new plaster and existing paintwork and have taken to buying the most expensive paint, it does have the benefit of covering so well and is long lasting and won't yellow. 

I think I have perfected the ceilings, even if they are 10ft off the ground! my arms feel like they are coming out of their sockets by the time I have finished! The finish on the Walls is not so clever, well old ones anyway the freshly plastered ones are fine.  They are so pock marked with the years of abuse moving furniture, fixing picture frames etc.They look like a 16 year olds face!

So to recap with where we are;

1. Big Roof - 100% complete

2. Guttering and down pipes - 100% complete
3. Small Roof - not started, last job probably.
4. Plumbing 33% complete
5. Electrics 33% complete
6. External Painting - 85% complete
7. Internal Painting - 10% complete
8. Kitchen - Design Phase
9. Bathrooms and shower room - Design Phase

Still got loadsa things to do, lots of little things preventing others being finished...its very true that 20% of the things take 80% of the time!!

The painting needs 4 coats...thats a lot of paint, I am about to put in another order for 20 tins of eggshell at £55 a tin...oh-hum in deed!


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