The Weekend Part 1

Well the weekend began after I got in on Friday night with a few chilled ciders (some Old Rascal) from the garage at Plusha on the A30. I had planned to start on saturday morning with painting topcoat on ceilings onthe rooms that are ready for lights etc. 4 ceilings later and 2 tins of Pure Brilliant White and I'm done and it looks fab, really good stuff. very hardwearing and has a slight more sheen to it than matt but not like silk and it will stand more cleaning than silk.

Anyway Jo has sold the two oil burners and wanted me to remove them, they weight about 120kg and 140kg, the heaviest being in the sitting room and still connected to the old hot water system.

I got my sack truck and decided I could move the 120kg one on my own...

Since this was a lot more than I weigh these days thanks to my diet and fitness regime, not even my bulk was on my side, so brute force and ignorance came in to play. I managed to get the sack truck underneath it and started to tilt it back...then noticed the flat tyre...oh my giddy gum drops (or words similar to that but not for persons under 18 years of age) suffice to say I wrenched my back in getting the bloody thing out of the drawing room, but at least it is now on the dining room floor, dripping parafin oil and I felt satisfied if not in a little pain.

So I hobbled back in to the drawing room with lump hammer and a steel drift in my hand to bash the marble blocks apart.

I started to break into the mortar surrounding the engineering bricks that formed the support to the flue;

As soon as the engineering bricks were loosened the marble blocks were easily removed, in fact they just slid out. I say marble but I am not so sure it isn't polished granite. Anyway they were very very loose.

So out they slid and I kept stacking side by side until.....

 The big reveal and you could see behinf into the void that was left.

Oh wow, we were so chuffed, a nice big open space just need a piece of slate for the base piece and we are away with the installation of the next log burner!! 

Happy days indeed!


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