Addicted to wall papering

I am becoming addicted to wall papering !  I'm wondering if its anything to do with the glue?  Does Polycell maximum strength wall paper adhesive have any hallucinogenic properties?  Is it like sniffing super glue or tippex?    Is a sad state of affairs when the highlight of my day is looking forward to coming home and hanging another 2 strips of paper !!  It has to be the glue fumes I crave.

Its actually very therapeutic.    Therapy for what I'm not sure sure, but i find it relaxing and rewarding.   There are several different approaches i have discovered, music to decorate to....  I'm testing to see what works best.  80s pop music was the choice this evening.  Nothing like a little bit of Duran Duran to get the papering done efficiently, bopping up the stairs and back down again, singing ''her name is Rio and she dances on the sand''  as i go.  At certain times of the month when mother nature strikes and  when the moods are black and the world is against me, and the  husband is getting on my nerves its more likely to be Portishead...dark and haunting.   His nibs music of choice to paint to  is  Pink Floyd ...  the sound of Dave Gilmors guitar  often echoes through our  cornish landscape ... I only know  one song, and it goes something like ' we're goldfish in a bowl '...  he knows the one i mean.

The other way to wall paper is in silence. Total  peace and quiet , not a hum out of me.  methodically plodding on with the task with only the sound of a few sheep baa-ing in the field opposite.

The other day i got that old tune, 'mad dogs and English men stay out in the mid day sun'  in my head.  I was humming it all day.  It was flipping hot outside, and i  just had to find it on youtube to listen to it, as i kept singing the same one line of the song over and over again....driving my husband insane..  its a great tune.  You have to listen to all the words..its very old colonial English..not quite pc in these times..

Lanoy is a world away from everything.. I feel like it belongs in the days of The Famous Five, or Swallows and Amazons. The big wide world is out there.. some where.  A million miles away from here.  Here is just an abundance of absolute rural tranquillity. 

Mike my fabulous builder has returned to work.  Hes been here for a couple of days doing odds and ends .  Snagging as they call it in the building trade. I left him a list of jobs i needed doing and hes done them all.  He has  laid the bathroom floor, fixed skirting and picture rail  in the dressing room, adjusted the loft hatch door, blocked up a hole in the chimney, patched a 2ft piece of rotten door frame, boxed in some pipework,  put up some dado rail, filled in some holes

Finally I can get the bathroom flooring laid. we have chosen a white ash wood effect  vinyl rhino floor.  Once that's down then my amazing bath tub can be installed and the infamous kashmir cupboards can be fitted.

Also, now the chimney is fixed we can install the 3rd log burner, this will go in the drawing room..  The new  hearth was laid about a month ago, the cowl put on last week. so now its ready for installation. hopefully that will be done this weekend...before the fitter goes on holiday to Turkey on Monday.

Ohhh... how i would love a holiday.....

Oh Yes!!   I am on hols in a weeks time.. a week at Lanoy !!   Woo Hooo, I cant wait!!


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