Anyone for Tennis on the lawn?

We have a new pastime...Tennis.  Now,  I cant bear watching tennis on the telly.  I have a colleague  who is tennis mad, but for me I would rather watch paint dry.  That is until last week.  Mum came to stay for a few days and brought with her 2 tennis rackets and some balls.   This house originally had its own  tennis court.  Its still there..the other side of our oak the garden of the house next door.  But it was built for Lanoy House.  When the house got sold the garden got split up and now it belongs to the farmer next door.  So now  our tennis court comprises of our front lawn which is not quite so flat and perfect as the real tennis court over the fence.   Nevertheless, after 32 years i took up my racket once again and we have been playing tennis on the front lawn..that was until Stevie belted the fluorescent yellow balls over the big rhododendron hedge and into the soggy field below.. followed by 10 mins of ball hunting in the bushes....another whim of ours.....

That leads me onto Golf.  Who was it that said 'golf, the best way to ruin a nice walk'  i think it was Oscar Wilde.. I  totally agree with him .   I went to an auction a couple of weeks ago.  I had a week off work and to break up the monotony of painting yet another piece of skirting, I went to an auction in the next little town.  Callington.  The great thing about going to an auction is that you go to the preview day.. peruse all the things for sale,  make a list of things you are interested in.  Come back home look at the guide price...spend an hour deciding  what max price you will go up to and then come home with nothing that you actually wanted....yet still have a car full of items you have bought!

On this particular afternoon, I purchased a set of golf clubs.. or sticks as i like to call them Why ? you may well ask... I really don't know...they seemed like a bargain...   However, once again, somewhat like tennis .....we seemed to spend rather more time seeking them out from under bushes than actually playing golf.  We even downloaded 'The dummies guide to playing golf'  hoping that would help us... It didn't ...........

I went to Plymouth top buy a tin of paint.  My bathroom cupboards and door fronts are 'Kashmir'  what flipping colour is kashmir?  its a sort of contempory soft grey.   The manufacturer would not tell me what the RAL number was, said it was a special mix, so I couldn't colour match it off a regular colour chart.  So i took a spare door front off into Plymouth to the Dulux trade centre, where a very helpful lady scanned it for me with her super dooper colour match machine and proceeded to make me a mini pot as a sample.  Well,  as soon as she took the lid off i knew it was the wrong colour.  She kindly  painted it onto some wood and took it outside to see what it looked like in daylight...  Too much of a teeny weeny hint of green i thought.  We then got another member of staff to give us a second opinion..then the trade rep got involved. the lady made up another sample pot.. but that had too much black tinge to it..more like battle ship grey. 

a colour chart was produced with 8,000 colours on it.. and we painstakingly went through very shade of grey to get the correct match.   that's the one !  i exclaimed... that one there!    lets have that one... so yet another sample was mixed up, painted on a piece of paper, wood and cardboard and then dried. and taken outside to see what the match was like in daylight rather than the artificial light of the showroom.  I'm happy with that colour i told them.

She duly went off and mixed me up a 5 ltr tin of it and took it over to the pay desk.

Seventy six quid !!! 
Seventy frikkin six quid for a tin of grey paint !!!


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