nearly a year..

Its December tomorrow.  Thank fully November has raced through. I cant bear November, I truly think its  a totally depressing month.  Now we have dreaded December to look forward to.  Three weeks left at work, then a lovely long Christmas break and the start of another New Year.  December 13th is our Lanoy anniversary.  12 months of blood sweat and tears....although thankfully no tears.  His nibs kindly reminded me today that this week last year was' boo hoo' week .  The week that Lanoy very nearly didn't happen.  The week I spent in tears, sobbing in my jim jams on the sofa back at our old house.  The break down week.  A very black week for me.   12 months on, and I just know it was all worth it.  We absolutely love it here. 

His nibs has only been home 26 hours this weekend and it has been pretty hectic.  Mum was here last week, she went home on Saturday morning, I had to pop to work for a few hours. His nibs was driving back from Newcastle to Cornwall and arrived at Lanoy at 11am.  This weekend  the 4th log burner was due to be installed.  I was praying for good weather this weekend so that Len the log burner specialist could get up on the roof and get cracking with fitting the new flue.   We had huge discussions in the past few weeks about the chimney pot.  Its one of the original pots. Cream in colour and wonderfully weather worn. Standing about 4ft tall and castellated on the top.  Unfortunately the exitsting flue was cemented into the pot and it was looking like we would have to replace the pot with a new one and  re flaunch the top of the chimney.  However Len did a magnificent job and managed to extract the old flue and lump of cement without damaging the pot, or worse still damaging my new roof.

The new flue is made of stainless steel, where as the other one was aluminuim.We had to have a new flue as we were installing a multi fuel burner and the old one didn't conform to regulations.  It was a tricky job  to even get the new flue up on the roof.  The house is huge and tall, there is scaffold built up the side of the house and  across the roof  up to the very top of the chimney pot.  The stainless steel flue was 12 meteres long, slightly bendy and coiled up like a spring.  Len had to manouvure the flue up the scaffold by ladder,  right up to the very top of the chimney pot then  tie a rope to one end and insert the steel tube down inside the chimney satck.  Steve was indoors, standing inside the fireplace , with his mag lite torch peering up the pitch black chasm looking for the rope.  Once he found the rope he then pulled, whilst Len guided the snake like tube down the length of the chimney .  
The job was started at 11am on Saturday morning and by 2pm Sunday afternoon  we had it fully fitted, smoke tested, comissioned, lit and glowing nicely in the hearth.  

By 3pm, we were in the car and driving his Nibs back to the train station on his way to work for a meeting  in Manchester early tomorrow morning ...


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