Our water turns the bath blue. used to.. but not anymore.   If you ever see a bath with blue staining on the enamel its copper deposits.   Basically our water system was so old that the heat of the water was reacting with the copper of the pipes and the cylinder and making the water blue.  So when you ran a bath and filled it with lovely hot water and luxurious sweet smelling bubble bath, within a few minutes the bubbles dissipated and the water turned blue. It left a stain around the bath, and down the tap end, and the grouting was turning blue as well.  It wasn't pleasant having a soak in worryingly blue  water.  My mum happended to say to me one day ' why is your hair looking green? I freaked out, and flew up the stairs to the bathroom to inspect. Oh My ... it was indeed. Slightly greenish tinging to the dry ends.  My bleached blond locks were turning green with copper enhanced bath water.....

Only vigorous scrubbing with a scourer and bleach would remove it from the bath tub .    We daren't drink the tap water unless it was boiled. You could even see a film appear on the cats water bowl.   The re  plumbing of the house is nearing completion, with a bill of around 12,000... gasp....   Russell the plumber, 'RussellRabbit' has burrowed under floors, through walls and in between joists ripping out all the old piping and replacing it with new.  We now have a shed load of copper pipes and 2 old immersion tanks  to take to the scrap metal merchant.  The only problem with plumbers is they leave their mess behind.  Burrow through a 18inch stone wall, and they leave behind a mole hill of stone, cement and grit . Usually piled in a corner, slightly hidden .  So that at first you don't notice it, The upon closer inspection, at the back of a cupboard you find a mole hill of debris left for you to clear up when you get home from work.

My brilliant builders Mike and Mino are fabulous.  They do clear up after themselves. they sweep and hoover, and tidy they tools away every day.  Last week the job was to hack off all the old cement render from the interior walls of the boot room,  taking it back to the natural stone.  After about 1/2 an hour of listening to him bashing away at the rock hard mixture with a iron and a heavy hammer. I could hear him huffing and puffing and muttering under his breath.  I popped my head out of the door.  'heavy going is it' I enquired?    'Bleddy rock ard this is', he muttered. 'Thought it would fall off, but no its as  hard as Ell'.   I nodded, acknowledging his situation.  I pondered  how long it was going to take him to chip the render of little by little by hand, and how much a days labour spent on this job would end up costing us, Still pondering  I  sauntered off down the garden path to the Man Cave'

The Man Cave is a small open fronted stone barn we own. With a leaking roof and birds nesting in the rafters.  There is all manner of boy toys in here. Every tool known to mankind  I am sure is hidden somewhere in the depths pf the Man cave.  I had the house phone in my pocket, so I quickly phoned Stevie.  ' Do you have a Kangol?  and if you do, what does it look like and where would it be ' I asked. ' Its bright yellow and hanging up on the beam where my saws are nailed'  he told me.  I located it and proudly marched back up the garden path.  Mino was still chip chip chipping away... Would this help?  I thrust the kangol towards him and his eyes lit up.  Brilliant he enthused.  This will make light work of this.  ' I will find you the goggles and ear defender's, I yelled as he was now  using the kangol in the hammer action and basically pneumatically attacking my walls, at mega decibells .  No bother he yelled back... Im deaf already !!

So now I have containers of rubble, dust and rock  building up out in the back yard. Which is accumulating as the local tip wont take it.  Or..rather they will take it and rob you of £1.75 per bag you tip.  How big a bag I asked?  Any bag he said. small bag, or compost bag we charge you now.   'How about this little bit of rubble'  I questioned the overall clad council worker..  I had a cardboard box with about 2 handfuls of gravel type powdery rubble in the bottom. about the same about that my kittens have in their litter tray to do their business in.   £1.75, the overall man told me.  His mate, the Fluro jacket man came over..Yeah. £1.75. if you want us to take this.  You're joking I stated.... £1.75 for 2 shovel fulls of dust and gravel.  Yeah he said again.   £1.75.  or do you want to take it back home with you.    Yeah i said.  I will take t back home with me.  No wonder there is bloody fly tipping all over Cornwall.  Because  the council have decided to charge for 'non domestic' waste.  So . If you do some DIY and have rubbish left over, you cant dump it now.... Dammed stupid if you ask me. Every farm gateway in Cornwall will soon be littered with builders rubble and old sofas and fridges....

Talking about the kittens...Aww they are so sweet... and growing fast.  They each weigh about 1.5kg now.  They have grown 1/2 kg in the past 3 weeks.  They come running to me when I call 'DinDin's to them..  My only objection so far is they seem to love galloping up the stairs, sliding along the bathroom floor, and launching themselves 2 feet into the air with their claws extended and landing half way up my new curtains, swinging back and forth in the bathroom window..............



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