RED or BLACK I won .. and everyone agreed it was the right choice after all

So... we've got this new roof almost finished.  People are absolutely stunned we have got the roof rebuilt since Jan 14th.  Amazing I know.  My roofer has been absolutely brilliant.  (Thank You Mike.. you are a real trooper)  He has pretty much single handed done the entire roof himself.  Of course hes had a labourer working along side, but all the battens, felt, slating, rebuilding the chickets, and doing all the lead work he has done.  One man. absolutely fabulous !

We met the agent who sold us the house on Saturday.   I didn't recognise him.  We were at a farm auction and this chap spoke to Stevie.  " hows things going at Lanoy" he asked.  I detected a hint of sarcasm in his tone.. Yeh mate.  I bet you're secretly hoping we're floundering.. I thought.
 "Brilliant " his nibs answered "roofs pretty much finished"  .... well you should have seen his face... he didn't believe us.   "Drive by one day and have a look"..Stevie continued ,  "its starting to look stunning" .

The RED v BLACK query arose when the builder brought out a delivery of bright orange terracotta roof ridge tiles about a month ago .    "what are they for I asked?    Your roof he said.  "where " I asked.  "up there" he said  "on the hips"  

I looked at them in disgust.  My nose wrinkled and I felt my fore head crinkling and  mouth getting pouty... "they're bright orange"  I said . " Yes, they are new"  he said.   Oh..I said... and didn't say anything else about them

The next morning, he asked me about the ridge tiles.   "You don't like them, do you " he said. 

Well.. I said. " I didn't envisage bright orange  stripes up  my roof.  They will look like double yellow lines in a no parking zone....Talk about being rather obvious.  Shall I add flashing lights too?...Perhaps we could make a new airport runway for Cornwall.  Or possibly a hazardous toxic waste site.   No i don't like them...

Can I have them in black please?

Black?  he said, and then repeated himself  Black?  
crikey you would have thought i had just asked for a meeting with the Queen.  Black? you don't want black?  

"Err yes I do please.  Can you bring me a black one over, and we will put the black one next to the orange one and see what they both look like".   The next day he duly arrived with a single black ridge tile.   "Ive never put black ones on a house like yours" he said.  "Not with the red ones up on the top apex.  It will look odd".. He was adamant they were going to look awful. 

The general consensus amongst builder boss, roofer, labourer, my mum, his nibs, and our neighbour was they liked the orange ones. 

I stuck to my guns. BLACK I announced.  I want black.  "Shes the boss" said his Nibs.." lets have black... keep her happy" ( he actually said, "have what you want, cus i like the orange, but i know when i get home at the end of next week they wont be orange, they will be black" )   He was right.

  The black ones have now been put in place and everyone now agrees they look great.  They look morenatural.  They don't look so obvious.  Your eye doesn't get drawn to them like neon beacons.  Im verry happy .

last week  I have asked the roofer to find me a finial. A finial is a decorative end peice that fits on the very top of the roof.  Like a bobble on a hat , or a cherry on a pie.

 Oh, he said Ive got one knocking around somewhere you can have it,  I will bring it over.   "what shape is it" I asked?  "it looks just like the world cup he told me" ...



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