July Already !!! 6 month anniversary here at LANOY

Crikey how the year has flown by.  Its the middle of July now, we've been here for 6 months.

I haven't spent much time on line lately.  Partly because the damm Internet has been playing up, so I have moved into the kitchen  and it seems to be working far better in here .

The beautiful Rhododendrons have finished flowering now and the garden looks very green.  I have some large blue hydrangeas either side of the front steps which are now coming out in flower, and hidden under the front hedge I have found a little lilac tree, which is getting stunted and smothered by the ever growing hazel hedge.  The squirrel family can be seen most days either foraging in the hazel trees of chasing each other up the oak trees.

We have  had a Wren nesting in the shed, Blue tits in the front porch, Swallows in the kitchen !  Yes.. in the kitchen!..one lovely evening i left the front door open and a swallow flew in, along the hall, through the dining room , through the sitting room and into the kitchen at the far end of the house.

The farmers have been out and done the first cut of silage in the fields to the front of us. The tiny lambs that timidly scampered down the lane following their mummies into the fields at the side of us  in March and now looking lovely and fat and round.  We often have animal traffic on the lane at the back of us.  Not many cars come through this way...just the locals and Ive got to know the locals by the car they drive or the dog they walk.  The most traffic we have is a herd of bullocks or flock of sheep, being escorted from their pastures up to the farmers yards for inspections.

Remember back in March we had the septic tank installed and my garden was turned into one rather large squelchy mud bath... well, now the grass seed has gown and we have thick gorgeous grass growing .  In fact the grass has been growing so much that its been a bit of a night mare trying to keep up with all the mowing.  So we decided to treat ourselves... We didn't get each other any birthday presents this year, and we have forsaken going on a holiday overseas so instead last weekend we bought a lawn tractor.  A big ride on mower that makes easy work of our huge expanse of grass.

Even my lovely mum who had just come out of hospital the day before had a go on it.. it was funny to see her sat astride it as she drove it along the lower garden  shrieking and laughing all they way !!. 

Next week we both have a week off work, and are looking forward to spending the time together arguing about the colour of paint, and other such nonsense :)   10 days together will be lovely.  Stevie is away so much he misses all the growing pains of this old beast of a house.

Its like one evening last week, I had the chimney sweep and the log burner fitter out to check out the chimney in the drawing room... I forgot to tell Stevie until yesterday..  Days move so fast..

Each week i write up a list of jobs for the builders electricians and plumbers, so they know what to do next, and dear of them....they cross each item off as they complete a job.  Its like having several husbands around the house all doing what you ask them to.

I do believe I have trained them all well ;) 

I bought the most amazing lantern for the stairwell at an antique shop.  Its not antique but they had it for sale as a centre piece and mum had seen it and described it to be and thought it would look most impressive in the stairwell.  Its chrome and glass and stands about 4ft tall, and will look simply stunning lighting up the stained glass window on the mezzanine landing.

Also, I had a lucky shopping expedition in Plymouth the weekend before last.  I was in the NEXT homestore and they were dismantling their lighting display to make way for the new stock coming in.  An electrician was up a ladder and a woman was putting sale labels on all the chandeliers that he had taken down.   I came home with 3 gorgeous chandelier style light fittings.  One for the gold bedroom, one for the lower hall and one for the drawing room ( or it may go in the siting room, i cant decide)  but at half price i thought it was well worth while purchasing them and keeping them back for future use.

Enough for now.  I need to upload some more photos.

Also, Bert and family if you're reading this. THANK YOU  for your latest letter and map  xxx
And thank you to Rosemary for writing to me too !!  I must send her a thank you note.


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