Don't do a poo in the new loo !!

Remember back in January. Mum was staying here. Freezing her little toes off. wrapped up in bed with an electric blanket,  2 hot water bottles and wearing my woolly leggings under her nightie.  Now shes complaining its too hot !   We lit the log burner in the drawing room on Saturday evening and 20 minutes later shes flaked out on the sofa , cardi off, front  wide door open.  Last night she went to bed and had to sleep with the 2 widows in her room wide open, and then complained to me this morning that the cows kept her awake all night mooing continuously. Seriously...  how does one keep the mother happy?  

We had very special visitors on Saturday.  Joan and Rose came to visit.  I was watching from out of the landing window on Saturday morning for them to arrive. The car pulled up outside and I dashed out to greet them.  It was just like meeting old friends. we kissed and hugged each other and welcomed them both in. We all had the most wonderful time here, chatting and looking around the house and gardens.  And Rose kindly brought me some new photographs of the house, ones which i had not seen before.  The rhododendrons in the front garden  were absolutely enormous!  Their dad kept bee hives at the far end of the garden.  Stevie would like to keep bees...perhaps in his wilderness years, when hes retired we can keep bees and make Lanoy honey.   In one really old photo, you can just make out our big barn roof which looks like it was thatched.  How wonderful, we thought it may have possibly have been thatched due to the shape of the roof line and the fact that the inside of the roof still has the remnants of the old lathe and plaster ceiling.   We talked, for hours and hours.  It was a fabulous day, one of many more to come I hope.   I hope Bert comes to visit us soon , he was the special man who started this great friendship off.   So Bert, if you're reading this.. we have scones and jam and clotted cream ready and waiting for you xxx.

Our new central heating boiler has been commissioned and is up and running. Its surprisingly quiet when its running, and already i can feel the temperature in the boot room/ boiler room is changing. Hopefully this will help dry out the very damp walls in this room.   The house is set on 2 control zones as it is so large, so we can have mums side cooler than our side or vice versa.

My dressing room is now decorated so I can start moving all my clothes in. I think i can fill it ok. Its approx 5 metres long x 2 metres wide.  its a huge  dressing room...but then i have a huge amount of clothing.  Its been designed so that if at a later date we want to make an en suite its big enough to have a full size en suite and a walk in wardrobe as well .  I don't like en suites myself, but its there for future installation. The main bathroom is 99% complete. It looks totally amazing.  The most expensive and luxurious bathroom I have ever designed.  I love my bath and cant wait to use it.  Its all fitted in, bath , shower, basins and toilet .. but we cant use it yet, until the waste pipe is joined up to the outside sewer pipe. At the moment the waste pipe ( poo pipe)  pokes out of the wall above the back yard, but doesn't actually go any where.  I have banned his nibs from using my toilet.  This is mine. He can use the one on the stairwell for smelly toilets...

So, what ever you do... for future visitors for the next 2 weeks, don't do a poo in my new bathroom , or it will end on the floor in the back yard.....

his and hers basins

bath and shower cubicle



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