luv a duck ... race

I have been looking for curtains. Every where seems to sell 90 inch drop as the largest but  I need 115 drop curtains, and its been a devil of a job sourcing them. I have finally found a shop on line where i can buy ready made ones at a decent price.  If i took more notice of my gran and mum when I was younger  i would have learnt how to sew.  I  actually can use a sewing machine, and I can do straight lines which is basically what curtains consist of.   However ,  mum has banned me from using her machine.  She says i sew like I drive...much too fast.   Me using  a sewing machine is like watching  one of the machinists at Mike Baldwins knicker factory in Coronation Street.. chattering as I speed along .  Hammering  the sewing machine along the fabric, with my right  foot flat to the floor on the accelerator.  zoom zoom.... with the cotton reel furiously spinning around and the material bunching and gathering with the stitching all loopy on the reverse of the fabric.

So instead of attempting to make my own  I went to a well known high street shop and asked for a quote for 1 window, and it was over £800 for a pair of curtains.  I have 11 windows at the front ... at £800 quid a pair.... We will  be going without curtains for a while yet!.  Its not as if any one can see in... if any one wants to look through my windows  and see me in the nude they will have to stand in the field across the valley with a pair of long range binoculars.

I wondered what those farmers were doing on Sunday morning ...

We went to collect my purchases from the auction on Saturday morning.  I sent mum to bid for me on Thursday  as i was working and couldn't go, So she went for me.  I had got her  a catalogue and highlighted the things i was interested in, with the detailed  instructions of what  price to go up to.  I gave her a  list of A items. ie things I really do want.  and B items , ie: if they go cheap get them.

I came home with 2 of the  A items.
No B items 
and 4  random  items
and 2  Z items.  ( z is at the bottom of the list - not highlighted/ definitely not wanted)

How did that happen?

The Z items were 2 old military MOD  oak desks with cracked leather tops .   I actually had asked her to bid on one lovely desk.  It  was lovely dark polished wood in pristine condition and had 4 drawers along the top, and a cupboard on the side for the computer to sit inside.  Mum apparently had looked at it.  but thought the cupboard was missing its back , bottom and middle shelf and decided not to buy it.  It was only afterwards when i explained the cupboard was empty because that is where you stood the actual computer !  There is a massive spider in one of the drawers.  I only found it today.  Its big and black and has a big fat abdomen. I think its a black widow.  I'm keeping the drawer firmly shut.  I did try to bravely capture it earlier today . I slowly opened the drawer, located the spider, and tried to place a upturned  glass on top of it to trap it in.  The spider scuttled... I jumped  back in fright.. the glass fell on the flagstone floors.  I spent the next 10 mins sweeping and vacumining shattered pieces of Grolsch lager  glass up off the floor.   The spider is still in the drawer.

I also bought a fox fur.  He is absolutely beautiful.  Its a antique fox stole that ladies used to wear back in the 1940s.  not everyone cup of tea, i agree, but hes vintage so its OK to have it  and hes so beautiful.  I put its head next to our sleeping cat. thinking Tango  would be  curious and bite it  or  maybe a little freaked out and jump off the chair and run for his life into another room.  All he did was sniff it, and then looked up at me as if to say.. you stupid woman... i know its smells of mothballs....

Our neighbour knocked on the door Saturday afternoon and asked us if we were coming to the duck race.  'What duck race' i asked. 'the village duck race' she said.  Ok I said.. see you down there.

'Down there ' was at the bottom of the valley through Lanoy woods and down on the river Inny.  'Lets walk down', I said to his nibs.  However, after walking for 15 minsutes i discovered  it was much further away from home  than I remembered.  we kept on , down  the lane, around the bend  down the hill to the old mill on the little stone bridge where i once drove his nibs car.  Down the skinny lane with braken brushing the wing mirrors and grass growing down the middle of the lane.  2 landrovers passed us  and then our neighbour  came along the lane with a boot full of burgers and buns for the BBQ .  'I cant give you a lift' she shouted from the car window... 'the back seats are full of meat'.

We kept on walking.  'Stevie' i said.  'the next 4x4  that comes down here i am hitching a lift.'   he laughed.   'I mean it'.. We kept on walking down hill.    A few minutes later  we heard an engine. There was a vechicle coming down the hill.  'Its a tractor' Stevie said. ' Oh great. im going to hitch a lift i told him'.  I climbed up the hedge a little to get out of the muddy  lane to let the vechicle pass. and as the tractor rounded the bend I saw it was our friendly farmer neighbour.  I stuck my arm our and assumed the thumb up, hitch hiker gesture... The tractor slowed down and came to a standstill next to me.  Do you want a lift?  'OH yes please'.. I said thankfully.    He lowered the link box on the back of the tractor and we both climed aboard and held on for dear life !.   We then trundled  the last 1/2 mile down the lane to the bridge, turned right into a field gateway and followed the river along the muddy field  until we met  up with the other villagers and neighbours in the field along side the river.   They all cheered and laughed when we rolled up in our fabulous  mode of transport.



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