up the pole and in the gully

We went to London for the weekend...a romantic city break.... I have never been so glad to get back home.   Not because of his Nibs, but the noise! The people! the hustle bustle, the hassle.  It was serenity to get back  home, sit on my doorstep with a nice cuppa and watch the sheep in the field and listen to nothing....   Nothing is lovely.  Nothing is what we have grown accustomed to. Complete nothing ness... ahhhh...bliss.

We have rebuilt the french drain ( gully ) on the roadside last week .  The french drain as it was called by the surveyor, turned out not to be a french drain,as it didn't actually drain anything.  Perhaps it did many years ago, but it no longer drained water away.  The water that ran off the road sat in the gully and gradually filtered through the cracked base and dispersed somewhere under my kitchen floor.   I know that happens because when it rains heavily my flagstones in the kitchen change colour.

We did find a large drain at the side of the house, that was blocked. We poked it and prodded it.  Tried to rod it with drain roads, jetted it with water but still couldn't find out where it lead to... Short of borrowing a ferret  from a friendly farmer or his working Jack Russell and shoving it down the hole we were at a loss as to what to do with it  so we blocked it up, and dug another route. 

The big granite coin stones that  form the wall between the edge  of the drain  and the road were removed, and re set slightly higher than originally to create a barrier to stop road water from sloshing down the gully.  The farmer next door came to watch and had a yap with the builders and before long, he came back in his tractor with some spare granites we could use.  How nice of him!  Apparently he thought longer pieces of granite would look better and work better, so went off in search of some old stone gate posts he had lying around in a field .  10 mins later he came back driving his tractor down the lane with a huge lump of granite and plonked it in place for us.

BT turned up.  I saw the van go down the lane and dashed out of the house and accosted him before he drove past.  I have been waiting for nearly 2 months for BT to fix my phone lines.  The last saga involved getting permission to erect a new pole  which i am sure they don't  actually need.  Apparently a surveyor came out at the weekend when we were away, he  drove up to the existing pole, got out of his van looked at the pole got back in the van and drove off...so much of a survey!   So today the engineer turned up with a ladder that was too short and then told me he had to phone the cherry picker vehicle to see if they could come as his ladder was too short .  The vehicle with the cherry picker rig was in Penzance and the spare one was in Falmouth.. so they couldn't come to sort out my pole.. i Have been assured they are coming back tomorrow... but then  again pigs may fly...

We watched a fox stalk a pheasant in the field yesterday.  It was fascinating watching him.  He zig zagged sideways down the field keeping the bird in his eye sight, gradually getting closer and closer, and then he made a dash for it.  sprinting the last 20 or so yards,, but the pheasant won.. he flew up in the air making a loud clucky type pheasant sound

His Nibs was up and gone really stupidly early this morning.  I woke up 4 hours later  to find 2 large glass pendants from the bedroom chandelier in the bed with me.. I don't know what he did at 3 am this morning that made the dingle dangles fall of the chandelier !



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