Bish Bash Bosh !

BISH BASH BOSH !!  Hahaha..   Stevie is away.  I am here all alone.... with a hammer and the wrecking bar .....muwahhh haaahh haaaaaa....  At night its long evenings on my i have to find things to do to entertain myself.  Now apart from  a bit of facebooking  ebaying and online shopping I'm not one for paying online games..although I do admit to becoming partially addicted to Farmville when it was first launced.  But to spend hours mindlessly destroying monsters or floating about in space or having a virtual pet.. Thats just not my cup of tea Thank you....

So, instead I resort to being creative... or is it destructive?   Sometimes there is a fine line defierentiating the two.  Anyway,  I have removed the old hearth in the far kitchen.  ( the one that will be my office)   It wasnt difficult to do really... just a lot of hammering and prizing off old wood  with an iron bar.. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Stanley has let me down again.  He is so thirsty for oil.  Hes an expensive comodity to have.  Another £330 spent this morning on heating oil..   Too much !   I told Stevie that we had run out of oil again... He phoned me back an hour later to tell me that in  his opinion Stanley no longer served our needs, and needs to be put down...Ohhh, and he was doing such a good job really, but way too expensive to run.  So we are having to re think our whole heating situation again.  Good job its nearly our house the heating goes off in April this year it will have to go off a bit earlier and we can wear vests in the spring !

Talking about Spring, there are finally some signs that this long wet and windy winter may be on the way out.   Not knowing our new garden,  it is quite exciting to see what palnts and trees are  developing buds and where various  bulbs are poking through.   We have discovered that all along the rear bank of the garden  there are daffodils planted. We spotted the first leaves poking through about 3 weeks ago.  Last week i have found that all along the length of the driveway there are daffodils planted. They will be a magnificent sight when they are all in bloom with their sunshine yellow heads bobbing in the spring air.  I wonder what variety they will be?   I have also found a lot of double snowdrops.  Not just the more common single flower head, but these have double petals and are all frilly and pretty.  At the bottom of the garden we have a huge mature rhodendron hedge that is covered in flower buds, so it will be fabulous when this starts to bloom and dotted around the garden there are more azeleas and rhodedendrons.

xxx JO


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