Snow and Love Hearts

My builders had a half day at Lanoy  today I think.  I diddnt see them this morning before I went off to work, they had to go do some repairs on another ladys roof.  I diddnt mind..I knew how desperate we were when we first moved in here. I think they came back at lunchtime, but again I missed them because when I got home from work, they had gone.  I did see we had another delivery of timber for the battens at the front of the house.  I donned my wellingtons first thing this morning (PJs and Wellies) and walked the perimiter of the garden looking for daffodil bulbs and checking on the progress on the front of the roof. I can see the far side above the big bedroom and the small apex has been stripped off.  I need to take some more photos to keep the updates current.

'His Nibs'  is away in Bonnie Scotland again..  Ochh aye tha noo...  I'm here in the snow.. YES..I said SNOW. ( ok just a flurry so far this evening )   I wonder if he will remember thats its Valentines Day on Fri when he comes home.

We dont really do Valentines day.  I have been looking for a suitable card, but I find them rather sickly and a bit corny really.  Mum was picking them out the other day whilst I was trying to buy a newpaper and a lottery ticket and she kept  handing me the slushy, mushy ephemera. It was all too much for me .. I think I will make one out of an old slate off the roof and paint a heart on it with red gloss paint..he can them put it on his workshop roof when we get around to fixing the old Linhay barn up.

I am romantic.  but ..I just cant bear all the nonsense that Valentines day brings along with it.. Naff plastic roses, gimicky trash, sickly chocolates and those awful boxer shorts with hearts and kisses on them etc etc.  Don't even get me started on fresh flowers.. As an ex florist and interior landscape designer I know the true cost of cut flowers, and I know the good from the bad. I was a flower buyer in a former life, so dont show me a bunch of supermarket 3rd rate, short stemmed, heat forced and dip dyed flowers.. I know the real deal. I told him years ago, to never buy me flowers as I will always criticise them.  I once bought a relative, some extremely expensive Soliel d'or  from the Isles of Scilly.  The first buds of the early season, hand picked off a windswept cornish island, boxed and wrapped in tissue paper  and shipped by air to the mainland, and then posted to them...they thought they were 2 bunches for £1 from down the market...

This year, my love..if you're reading can I have some alpaca socks to keep my tootsies warm when you're not in the bed..

He likes to bring me back a little gift each time he goes away to Scotland.  For example,   2 weeks ago I was lucky enough to receive upon his return a typically Scottish item...  a Haggis !  a real Scottish haggish , fresh from the Cairngorms up in Highlands.  It was delicious.  

So love if you're reading ..Bring another one home, we can have it on Fri night for our Valentines dinner. 

( we cant afford to go out for a meal - got a house to renovate) 



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