Some thing has gnawed my naked bust

I haven't been on line for a few days. In fact I didn't switch the computer on since Friday, so my updates are somewhat lacking recently.

We had a busy weekend sorting out some boxes and moving furniture in the house.  We decided to move into the drawing room and use that as our lounge as it is much warmer in there than in the sitting room we have been using.  The drawing room is a huge room with a marble fireplace,  2 large windows looking into the garden and ornate coving and ceiling.  It has no carpet, just underlay but it is wall papered, and there is a big radiator and a oil fire.  So we decided to migrate into that room.

It was pretty full with furniture and boxes of stuff.  Unknown stuff.  Its funny, I meticulously packed when we moved house and wrote on the boxes what was inside, but were still baffled sometimes. With no idea what is in some of the boxes and still hunting for items that we know must be somewhere !

Wednesday night the cat had kept me awake all night long.  Bouncing on the bed, standing on top of me whilst I was sleeping. clawing the side of the bed, pawing my arm or face and constantly meowing.  I wondered what was wrong with him and kept pushing him off the bed, only for him to bounce back on me 2 seconds later

On Saturday I was moving a pile of boxes and found one had been completely gnawed through! the side of the box was shredded !  Stevie I yelled... We have furry visitors !   I kicked the box to ensure there was nothing live inside it, and when no critters ran out I moved forward and opened the box.  The white packing paper that was wrapping my ornaments  inside was shredded.  We took each item out one by one disposing of the paper as we went until we got to the bottom of the box and my carved wooden figure that was lying in the bottom of the box had been attacked by gnawing teeth !  The carved wooden figure of a kneeling nude woman  was minus one breast ! It was  completely gnawed away.   Oh My..  "a mouse wouldn't have done that would it?   I asked Stevie.. He picked it out of the box and examined it.  Bloody big mice... he retorted.  Looks more like rat damage to me.

Perhaps this is what the cat was trying to tell me the other night.  Maybe he heard it but couldn't get in the room as we had shut the door.  He must have known something was in that room and he was trying to wake me up  to tell me.

Beside the fireplace we found a hole in the floor.  The skirting is missing in this area, and between the wall and the floor was a hole big enough for a mouse or rat to come up through.  Mice I don't mind.. but a rat !  ughh!!  Stevie put his hand to the hole and felt air blowing through it. It definitely lead to some where outside and this was probably where the critter had found its way in.  We poked around all the edges of the room and found another small hole under the front window.   We soon made up a bucket of cement and  filled the holes in the floor and then went back to sorting through the boxes and moving the furniture.

Its quite cosy in the drawing room .  Its rather makeshift, but as mum said "cosy and scruffy !  lol.  Yep that about sums it up.    We have sofas, dresser, coffee table, TV and speakers, but no carpet or curtains,  but we watched a film on Saturday night and we both fell asleep on the sofas in front of the oil fire. Even the cat curled up on the arm of the sofa, with his tail covering his nose and had a lovely snooze . 

Jo xxx


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