The Scary Goats Head

Mum, on the phone..."Kingsands is on the news, but I cant see you"  "Ermmm...why would I be on TV mum?" "You were there this morning, and so was Mr Cameron."  "Well I didn't see him!"

 I went to Kingsands to see a customer this morning, I stood and looked at the clock tower that had been very nearly reduced to a pile of rubble on the beach  but I couldn't get any where near it because it was all cordoned off with cones, railings and hazard tape, so I couldn't actually see the storm damage myself.  The sea was flat calm, and the sky bright blue.  Talk about the calm after the storm , it was serene down there. I did spot a lowly outside broadcast car, a black hatchback with a satellite dish on its roof, a man with a laptop and a reporter holding a huge microphone but I didn't see Mr Cameron anywhere, or perhaps I did but walked straight past him .   He was visiting, looking at the storm damage, apparently news has reached London that we are pretty badly affected down here.  

This weekend the dreaded storm part 2 didn't actually  reach Lanoy.  Although I did have weird dreams last night, and dreamt that the valley below us was flooded, our garden was OK but the field that slopes away to the front had turned into a rampaging torrent of brown swirling water.  I blame the scary goats head in the kitchen.  

On Saturday morning, I took myself off to Hatherleigh to an auction.  I'm rather partial to an auction. you never know what you're likely to come home with.   Now,  I never knew I wanted a scary goats head...but I came home with one.   As I lugged the 2 stone piece of metal objet d'art from the car into the house Stevie stood there looking in total disbelief.  What the bleeping bleep is that?  he questioned me.  "Its a rams head.  I'm an Aries ram.  I liked it, and I'm going to mount it on the wall in the hall"  .."Excellent"  he said sarcastically.. and are you going to paint a pentangle on the floor too?  I heaved the goats head into his arms..Flippin' heck !  he moaned,  This weighs a ton!  

I'm a little into art and antiques...Stevie hates it...its all junk to him.. Either weird shite or just shite.  I have the artistic flair, and can see the beauty and originality in certain  stuff.  I like slightly odd stuff.  This particular auction was full of paintings..but unfortunately all the ones I liked were in the region of £400 each, and I couldn't justify spending that on another piece of art  because as he quite rightly informed me the day before, the exterior of the house needs 80 litres of £50 per 10 litres ... so that was £400 better spent painting the exterior of the building rather than indulging in a whimsical purchase at an auction house.  Hence...the goats head came home with me instead of a painting .    Its large, and metal, and has big curly horns. Stevie is convinced its satanical.. But its just a goats head.. 

He blamed the knocking at 3am this morning on the goats head... It woke him up.  He said he heard 5 knocks, and then another 5 knocks.  I said it was the cat sitting on the loose floorboard at the top of the stairs  having a scratch.  I have heard him do it before.  When he scratches his hind leg seems to bang on the floor, and if he does it whilst sitting at the top of the landing it really makes quite a loud  noise. 

I have found 4 poster bed I am interested in buying.  At the auction tucked away in a corner I spotted 4 large chunky legs with ball and claw feet.  I asked Paul the auctioneer what they belonged to.  Oh, he said its a mahogany 4 poster bed, its a super king size... It would look great at your place..I will get it out for you to have a proper look.   I rather fancy a 4 poster bed, I will go have have a proper look at it next weekend

This weekend went way too fast.  Stevie didn't get home from work  til gone 10 on Friday night was was off again by 6 this morning. Mum was here for the weekend. She can now find her way to Lanoy without getting lost on route or panicking on the A38, so in 45 mins she can leave her place in the suburbs of Plymouth and arrive in rural Cornwall. She left Lanoy this morning and by 4pm, she wanted to come back again. 

Just 4 Sleeps and his Nibs is back home again and I can't wait. 



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