Bubblebaths and Baileys

This week I have been mostly away from Cornwall.  Considering the truly awful weather and devastating damage that has occurred through out the South West , I'm glad I wasn't down there.

Instead,  I was 'up the line' as the locals would say.

This week I had to go away for work for an conference for a few days.   On Tuesday evening  I spoke to Stevie when I got back to my hotel room around 6pm and he told he there was a hurricane blowing. The plastic sheeting was being ripped off the roof, the scaffolding planks were being blown around the garden, the big oak trees were likely to have branches ripped off them. The wind was howling down from the high peaks of the moors, and it was pretty scarey all in all.  Ohhhh my..I listened intently..firstly paranoid that the house was about to fall down and  I would return home to find just four walls left standing and my new roof in the field down the lane... I was really worried.  I put down the phone and paced my hotel bedroom. I hope hes going to be ok down there?  I mused....  I wonder if the roofers have stopped work?..We will be behind schedule......This is the worst time of year to start a renovation project.. We should have waited until spring, We are mad...Totally Mad....

There was only one solution to this awful situation, I thought.   There is only one thing I can do about it,  and that is to  make the most of this luxury I find myself in!!   Here I am in a fabulous hotel, with very warm central heating, a huge 6 foot wide comfy bed with pristine white linen. A nicely decorated fully working and heated bathroom with copious amounts of hot water and  a big spacious deep bathtub, some bubble bath and a glass of Baileys.  

Heaven......and never gave him another thought xxx

The conferance was great. I work for a fantastic company and my collegues and bosses are all lovely people.   BUT..... I have come back home aching and hoarse. Wednesday evening I roared with laughter at the comedy act so much I could hardly breathe.  At one stage my eyes were streaming and my mascara and eyeshadow merged into one and I resembled ChiChi the Panda at London Zoo.

You know that expression ' I laughed so much I nearly peed my pants' ... Well, its true.  My thighs ache from dancing so much.  I throughly enjoyed myself and was as totally engrossed and enthralled with the training as much as I was watching all the Managers and Directors hitting the dance floor with their moves.  When the DJ played the iconic 90's song  'Jump Around' from the American band 'House of Pain' and that first screaming chord of the tune came through the speakers it was just epic  ! 

 I loved it all.

Back home, I was astonished at how much had actually been completed in the few days that I had been away. Unlike the last building company I used an another project, these boys are prompt and hardworking. What ever the weather! They didn't cop out just because of a little storm. They have been here all week!  Not a day missed. They are super fellas! It is looking like the whole back of the roof will be completed by the end of this week.



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