Bacon Butties and cups of Tea

the scaffold going up at the back of the house

the labourer...Stevie

the west wing being scaffolded
7am Saturday morning and the phone rang and woke me from my sleep. 

His side of the bed was empty and cold so i knew he was up and dressed already.  The phone call was the scaffolding  delivery lorry.. stuck about 1/2 mile up the lane.  He couldn't get around the sharp corner by the white cottage, so it had to reverse out onto the 'main road'  which is really just a wider lane, go 100 yards further along and then take the next turning which brought them into the village at a different angle. He could then go straight across opposite the white cottage and make his way down to us.   So at 7. 20 we had a very large lorry with crane off loading 12 tons of steel onto the grassy verge at the side of our house.  It was a precarious manoeuvre, and the crane driver needed some skill as there are over head electricity cables spanning the lane from the hedge on one side to our house on the other side.

I jumped into a lukewarm shower and by 8.30 am I was in Tescos buying sausages, bacon, bread rolls, ketchup and pasties to feed my work force.   Back home again at by 9.30am,and soon  I had 2 packets of bacon and a pound of sausages sizzling in the pan  with 12 bread rolls warming in the oven.

''Don't cook us anything..just a cup of tea will do us '' my workforce had said to me earlier.  I took out a big oval shaped  pink spotty platter  piled high with bacon and sausage butties and steaming cups of tea and coffee...they devoured the lot in about 5 minutes flat.

Got to keep the men fed and watered on regular internals as my mum told me last week. 

Some of the neighbours from further alone the lane have made their way down this morning for a chat and a look at what were doing.  A woman on a beautiful Bay horse stopped for a minute to chat while her horse was curiously watching what was going on. He danced down the lane, past the orange road cones at first and then stopped dead in the middle of the lane staring at the pile of scaffold tubes making his mind up if there were going to suddenly move or if it was safe to walk past them and she  said it was lovely to see the old house being done up. 

I had better nip off again to put the kettle back on and make another brew.  Thank fully is hasn't rained at all today, so its the perfect day to be working outside putting scaffolding up



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