Cats like lazer lights .........

I'm sure the weather forecast said rain from 10am til 2pm...they were wrong...Its rained non stop all day.   Stevie moved a load of scaffolding from the lane into the garden and he got soaked through to the skin. ''Even my pants are wet'' he said as he stripped off in the kitchen.

I have a chicken roasting in Stanley right now.  Our Sunday tea, with roasties, potatoes and parsnips, cause Stevie loves his parsnips.

Tango the cat decided to go for a walk around the garden last night. Stevie let him out and  I panicked...he slinked off at a good cat trot pace along the pathway, across the garden and into the big barn.  He mooched around in there for a while, curiously squeezing behind a stack of wood and out flew a bird.. it was a blue tit.  The bird was completely disorientated in the dark, and couldn't find its way back into the barn, so was swooping and diving bombing the exterior light.  Eventually he flew back from where he came.  I grabbed the cat and went to take him indoors but Stevie said "dont be so paranoid about losing him..hes a cat..they like to explore in the dark'' 

He hasnt been out of the house much since we moved here, partly because he's getting older and doesn't go out much anyway, partly because it been raining so much and he prefers to find a dark cupboard and sleep the day away.  But mostly because I'm worried he will go out and get lost.  So I relented, and put the cat back down on the grass, and off he trotted.  Down the side of the house, across the lawn and under the big rhodendron hedge at the bottom.  I saw the creamy tip of his tail dissapear into the hedge. I shone the torch after him but couldn't see him anymore.  I paced up and down the hedge line shining the torch into all the gaps but i couldnt see him.

I dashed back into the house "Stevie..YOU have lost the cat" I barked at him.  "Dont be daft" he said.  "Well you go and get him back, hes gone under the hedge and is probably in the field by now" So there was Stevie, with the torch, in the pitch blackness searching for a small ginger feline in a 1 acre garden.  "I know how to get him back" said Stevie..and promptly turned and went back up to the house. a few minutes later he re appeared with a laser light measuring device. When turned on it has a bright red dot that you point it at something it measures the distance from where you are standing to the dot.  The cat loves it...and will dash around in circles trying to catch the red dot on the ground.

Tango was no where to be seen, but we turned on the laser and the red dot appeared on the grass. Stevie flashed the dot up and down the hedgeline.  Suddenly there was a rustle of leaves and the orange furball came darting out of the bushes eagerly trying to catch the red dot.  The red dot made its way up the garden, with Tango still chasing it.  The red dot, moved along the grass, up the path to the side of the house and around to the side door, still with Tango trying to catch it with his paws. The red dot eventually went in through the door way and the cat promptly followed it.  We shut the door and Tango was trapped safely back in the hall way of the house. 

Stevie however, was in the dog house for the rest of the evening...


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