* * * * I'm Seeing STARS * * * *

No.... i haven't banged my head...STARS....big bright beautiful stars in the night sky

Before moving here i thought the Milky Way and Galaxy were just  sweet chocolate confectionery.  The former being the "sweet you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite" as the TV adverts used to tell us.   The latter being an adult female chocoholic indulgence....picture  me wrapped in a slinky silk negligee blissfully breaking off just one corner the the creamy chocolate and it melting in my mouth whilst pondering what I could do with George Clooney if he was here right now...

How wrong I was......

The Milky Way  is right here...right above our heads !  There is absolutely no light pollution here.  It is totally pitch black.  Looking from our front windows I cannot see another light for miles,  only  total blackness.   For the first few days when we moved in at about 9pm we took our coffee and sat in the front porch looking out into the nothingness.  With our necks strained and our noses pointing to the heavens above absolutely in awe of the spectacular star show above our heads.   I have never seen anything like it. So many stars ....Its like  millions of pin pricks of light shining though a black velvet blanket.

Something caught my eye to the right.. and I quickly turned my head, not sure at what I had seen in my peripheral vision.  I dismissed it, until Stevie a second later said " did you see that?"  Shooting Stars..    I've only ever seen shooting stars whist sailing at night in Turkey.  Never in this country.  Never back at the old house, the street lights incessant orange glow faded the night sky too much.

As our eyes become accustomed to the darkness more and more stars we could see.. Stevie was pointing out all the Planets and Constellations... I was shivering and rubbing my hands up and down my arms to keep warm.  We walked down through the garden to the drive gates at the far end, out on to the lane and around to the back door of the house.  We were both still craning our necks and just gazing above us.  Right above our house was a 'cloud' a long streak quite faint to seee but definately paler than the surrounding sky. Stevie stopped in his tracks...LOOK !  he said excitedly... I was looking already.. " It cant be" he went on.." It is....its the Milky Way... Look ! ...we can see the Milky way..up there right above our house !"

Awesome !  As they say.

But it is... its totally AWESOME.....
Its beautiful and  fantastic and amazing and its right here at Lanoy !



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