.... I feel like singing into a hairbrush like Bridget Jones ........

All by myself ...don't wanna be, all by myself .....( Eric Carmen - All By Myself -1976 )

I'm here for a whole week by myself this week.  His Nibs has gone to work....proper work...away from home, and I am here with my cat, in this big old house.  Just seen the lovely neighbour, who gave me her phone number and said if you need anything and if we've got it you can have it.  How Lovely!   I have spoken to more people and know more of the neighbours here than when I lived on a main road surrounded by other houses.  Goes to show, living in a town ain't all its cracked up to be.  The people I've met here are so friendly.

So, I'm up and ready for work. I went to the village shop early to get sugar and biscuits for the workmen.  The washing is in the machine.  Cat is fed.  Coffee drunk.    Now its time to get on with  'work work'.

Its still really windy, but no rain as yet.   It looks like the coast is getting hit hard by the storm surges. On the BBC news  huge waves are crashing all along the coastline, and some places are completely cut off by flooding...I feel fortunate that we just have a leaky roof...things could be so much worse.

The scaffolding mega structure is half done.  The back of the house is pretty much completed.  I am wondering how they will do the front. Its looks so high to get to the very top!   The roofers and scaffolders have certainly got a head for heights! I went up on the scaffold yesterday... clinging on for dear life.  I'm not usually afraid of heights, but I said to Stevie"OK, I've been up here now.. I'm not coming up again "


Better get on...  

Will report back later today on whats been happening!



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